Nov 27

WebDesign & Development

Creating effective Web sites takes much more than just programming expertise and technical skills. It takes advanced planning, graphic designs and strategic marketing expertise.
A lot of planning, starting from understanding the requirements of the website, its functionality, its design, and a domain name of course.
This is all what we deal in. We begin every engagement with a thorough understanding of your requirements and providing Web designs that are visually stimulating, easy to navigate and help drive traffic to your site. Thus building your Corporate Image.


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About Me

Hi, I 'm Aditya, the guy behind this website and many other. This site acts as my web playground, where I share all about me, my work and my knowledge.

I have over 10.5 yrs hands on experience in PHP, Mysql, JavaScript, open sources CMS like Joomla, Wordpress etc. During these 10.5 years, I have worked on more than 200 projects and/or websites but could not spare time for my blog. But now I am trying to write something whenever I can.




Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) of the application; the view corresponds to elements of the user interface such as text, checkbox items, and so forth; and the controller manages the communication of data and the business rules used to manipulate the data to and from the model.

In simpler words-

1. Model handles all our database logic. Using the model we connect to our database and provide an abstraction layer.
2. Controller represents all our business logic i.e. all our ifs and else.
3. View represents our presentation logic i.e our HTML/XML/JSON code.

Last Updated on Monday, 2 November 2009 03:07

What is Joomla?

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.



Last Updated on Monday, 2 November 2009 03:28


PHP, or PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally designed for web development, to produce dynamic web pages. It can be embedded into HTML and generally runs on a web server, which needs to be configured to process PHP code and create web page content from it. It can be deployed on most web servers and on almost every operating system and platform free of charge. PHP is installed on over 20 million websites and 1 million web servers

Last Updated on Monday, 2 November 2009 03:10

Welcome to my website. Here you will find all about myself.

Last Updated on Monday, 2 November 2009 03:11